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懶人包/日本最快8月排放福島核廢水 風險、爭議一次看

日福島核汙水恐本月排海 中國大陸、南韓抗議



IAEA Finds Japan’s Plans to Release Treated Water into the Sea at Fukushima Consistent with International Safety Standards

ALPS Treated Water


What Do Mysterious Nord Stream Methane Leaks Mean for Climate Change? (Scientific American, Sept 30, 2022)

  • Baxter estimated that 115,000 tonnes of methane had probably been released

  • ​methane has a much more potent greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide—particularly in the short term. Baxter says the overall impact of this leak is equivalent to the annual carbon emissions from two million cars.

  • The methane spike was detected from the ground by at least one observatory: the Swedish station of the European Integrated Carbon Observation System project at Hyltemossa.

  • In the coming days and weeks, scientists will continue to try to understand how much methane has been released as a result of the leaks.

2022年北溪天然气管道泄漏事件 (Wiki)
Nord Stream: Ukraine accuses Russia of pipeline terror attack (BBC, Sept 27, 2022)
Russian pipeline leaks spark climate fears as huge volumes of methane spew into the atmosphere (CNBC, Sept 30, 2022)

法媒:中國漁船刻意躲避衛星追蹤 不分晝夜公海非法濫捕 (中央通訊社, July 12, 2022)

  • 法國世界報9日公布近一年的調查報導,揭發中國船隊在阿拉伯海非法不分晝夜過度漁撈,刻意躲避衛星追蹤,損害漁業資源與他國利益,

  • 儘管法規要求大型漁船須一直發送識別定位,但中國漁船訊號卻會經常中斷;甚至有傳送虛假定位的狀況發生。

中漁船越界捕撈猖狂 年偷祕魯5萬噸魷魚 (新聞網, May 13, 2022)

  • 每年超過600艘中國漁船闖進祕魯經濟海域,撈走五萬噸大型魷魚

  • 中國漁船也闖進厄瓜多海洋保育區,殺死撈走6千多條鯊魚,包括保育類鯊魚。

  • 當時這艘關了AIS系統的中國漁船,就停在鯊魚天堂加拉巴哥群島附近,但船艙裡成了鯊魚地獄,6623條各類鯊魚已被砍去魚鰭,變成血淋淋肉塊堆在冷凍庫裡,許多還是保育類鯊魚

全球豪奪漁業資源 中國漁船艦隊真面目(上)(中央通訊社, Sept 10, 2022)

全球豪奪漁業資源 中國漁船艦隊真面目(下)(中央通訊社, Sept 10, 2022)

How China Targets the Global Fish Supply (The New York Times, Sept 26, 2022)
Geopolitics and Food Security: Why China Goes Fishing (International Policy Digest, Sept 26, 2022)

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